About us
Our dogs

Eva a Hana Vobornikova
Namest nad Oslavou

Photo of the month



Cairn terriers puppies - three weeks old

Today, we’ve been here for three weeks and one day….

….we began playing…

…we are improving our walking techniques and we also raise our tails….

…despite that, we are the happiest when mother Gina is around…

…bellies full, going to sleep…

…we stick to each other…

When we awoke, it’s time for games…

..and momentarily a rest….

Morning battle, we’ve got a plenty of energy for it…


This week, we’ve learned the command „Sit!“…

And we’ve been named, but still it is up to the owners, how they will call us… Me, blue, I am Bilbo Mambo (hope for it), the middle name, Mambo, is after my father, same as my brother. I was named after halfling Bilbo from the Lord of the Rings, who celebrated his 111. birthday…

Me, red, I hope for Bella Gina. Bella is „beauty or belle“ in Italian. And the second name Gina, which we have after our mother.

Me, pink, I am Bonnie Gina and it is from English, so you know, what it means.

Me, green, I am Boo-boo Mambo, named after that cunning small bear from Yogi Bears series.

And now, there’s all of us, sitting…

…we got hungry from all this posing…

I am tired of all this doing…

…my legs betrays me…

Boys, come on, sleep…

Good night…